What is hypnosis

You’re always pushing boundaries, striving for mastery in your personal and professional life. But let’s be honest, sometimes there are invisible walls—mental blocks, limiting beliefs, or just good ol’ self-doubt—that hold you back from fully unlocking your potential. That’s where hypnosis can step in as your secret weapon.
What is hypnosis really?

So, what is Hypnosis?

Imagine having direct access to reprogramming those mental barriers that keep you from your highest level of performance. Sounds like a hack, right? Hypnosis is exactly that. It’s a therapeutic technique that allows you to tap into the deeper recesses of your mind, replacing those disruptive, limiting thoughts with empowering beliefs. Think of it as your mental gym, where you flex the muscles of your subconscious mind.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Ever wondered why some tasks seem to become second nature over time? That’s your brain transferring learned behavior into your subconscious mind. While this is great for automatic skills like riding a bike or tying your shoelaces, it’s not so great when bad habits or limiting beliefs take root. Often our experiences, particularly when we’re young, can uninitentionally form boundaries around who we believe we are and what we are capable of. But wouldn’t it be transformative if you could dive into your subconscious and repair and replace these limiting beliefs and behaviors? This is where hypnosis comes into play.

Hypnosis is your time to relax and make lasting self-improvement.

Hypnosis works by guiding you into a relaxed state of heightened awareness and focus, much like meditation. In this state, your mind becomes exceptionally receptive to positive suggestions.

Think about it. Your mind is already an immensely powerful tool; you’ve used it to get where you are today. Now, hypnosis can help you harness even more of that power. It offers you the platform to plant seeds for new habits, constructive thought patterns, and useful life strategies—precisely aligned with your values of accountability and resilience.

What Really Happens During Hypnosis?

Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not about mind control; it’s more like a guided daydream. Your conscious mind is essentially the gatekeeper of your subconscious. It’s highly analytical and is skeptical about what it allows into the deeper recesses of your mind. With hypnosis, the goal is to gently distract this gatekeeper long enough to make meaningful changes.

Why Distraction? Your conscious mind is brilliant but has a very short attention span (just speaking for myself!) Hypnosis works to calm, distract, and eventually disengage your conscious mind, creating a clear path to your subconscious. This allows you to introduce new, positive thoughts and behaviors where they can really take root.

Do You Actually Fall Asleep During Hypnosis?

No, you’re not snoozing, although you might feel very calm and relaxed. Despite popular myths, you’re fully conscious and in control during hypnosis. In fact, your awareness is heightened, making your subconscious more accessible and open to positive suggestions. You’ll be in a state of focused relaxation but far from being asleep. So, you can wave goodbye to any thoughts of losing control or entering into a realm of unconsciousness.

The Language Barrier

One thing to note is that your subconscious mind doesn’t operate in the same language that you do. It understands symbols, emotions, and abstract concepts. That’s why hypnosis often employs storytelling, metaphors, and visualization techniques. So just relax during your hypnosis session, the audio may seem strange or overly simplistic, but remember these messages aren’t for you, they’re designed to take root in your subconscious mind.

What does hypnosis feel like?

How Do You Feel After Hypnotherapy?

The experience of hypnosis often feels refreshing. You should feel relaxed with a sense of clarity and purpose. Though hypnosis isn’t just about “feeling good”; it’s about instigating real, tangible change in line with your aspirations and goals. You’ll likely find yourself armed with a new set of empowering beliefs, ready to take on your goals with newfound vigor and clarity.

How Long Does Hypnosis Last?

Let’s talk investment and returns. A typical hypnotherapy session can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. But the effects? They can last a lifetime. While you may need multiple sessions to see transformative results, the investment of time can offer you a lifetime of benefits—like demolishing those barriers to your goals once and for all.

If you’re already a high-performer, or looking to fix that one thing; hypnosis is just the tool to elevate you further, aligning perfectly with your pursuit of excellence and self-improvement. Ready to make hypnosis a part of your goal-crushing arsenal? 

Welcome to your next level.